Tag Archives: bus crash

bus crash in peru

In 2007 Tim and I went to the Northern Andes region of Peru with a group of birders. We traveled through a remote section of the country on a red bus that traversed mountain roads that were often just as wide as the bus itself. It was so frightening that at one point, at a particularly treacherous section of the road, the passengers  staged a coup forcing the bus to make its way back down the road. We got off and walked for several miles while the driver figured out where and how to turn the bus around. I always regretted that we didn’t make it to our destination for the day — the pre-Incan fort Kuelup — which sounds like a fabulous archaeological site.


the road to Kuelup

the road to Kuelup


There was a news story the other day about a bus crash in Northern Peru — a bus slid into a ravine on slick roads and 32 were killed. I certainly know how that could have happened.

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